Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Scars of Alcohol

"Who has woe?  Who has sorrow?  Who has strife?  Who has complaints?  Who has needless bruises?  Who has bloodshot eyes?  Those who linger over wine, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine.  Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. Your eyes will see strange sights, and your mind will imagine confusing things.  You will be like one sleeping on the high seas, lying on top of the rigging.  “They hit me,” you will say, “but I’m not hurt!  They beat me, but I don’t feel it.  When will I wake up so I can find another drink?”  Proverbs 23: 29-35

We live in a time where alcohol has become a way of life.  It is everywhere!  Alcohol for a few, enters into their life and they are unscathed. However for some people and those that love them, the damage from it can be monumental.  If you're reading this, I want you to ask yourself the question, "Has alcohol ever given you a reason to grieve?".  The scripture above says who has woe, sorrow, strife, complaints, bruises & bloodshot eyes.  The word woe means trouble.  This brings to mind some who have bought into our drinking society and all too soon realized it isn't as glamorous as marketing experts depict it in advertising.   The commercials never show the inexcusable actions one might have when drinking, the hangover, throwing up, fighting, arrests, or lost morals.  As a result their life has become filled with trouble.  God's word says, who has sorrow?  Does alcohol abuse lead to sorrow?

"A number of studies have shown that alcohol abuse increases the risk for depression. This connection may be because of the direct neurotoxic effects of heavy alcohol exposure to the brain. Researchers know that heavy alcohol consumption can lead to periods of depression. Alcohol abuse also can have serious repercussions on a person's life, leading to financial and legal troubles, impaired thinking and judgment, as well as marital stress. If you're struggling with money or grappling with a failed relationship, you're more likely to feel depressed."  ~

 "What about strife?  Strife means conflict. I always say if you and your significant other want to have a good fight then have a couple of drinks.   It makes people irrational and say & do things they would never do sober.  How many have made choices while intoxicated that will haunt them for years?  Who has complaints?  A complaint is an expression of pain.  Alcohol causes physical and emotional pain, not only to the drinker but to those closest to them.  Then there are the bruises.  The bruises of life...broken families, harsh words spoken, thoughtless actions, injuries, disappointed children, shattered goals and more.  When I think of the bruises alcohol can cause, I'm immediately reminded of a recent story about a young girl walking.  She was hit by a young boy in a truck who had been drinking.  So many lives were destroyed by this choice to drink.  The young girl will have physical and emotional scars.  Her family's world is flipped upside down. I can't imagine the heartache her parents must feel.  The young boy will have to live with his choice for a life time; and I am certain his loved ones are devastated as well.  These types of scars are seen all over the news and very visible.  However, there are countless people in this world walking around with scars on their hearts - scars caused by the choice of alcohol. Lastly, God's word speaks of blood shot eyes.  Oh the many tears that have been shed due to the effects of alcohol.   I have to ask the question, "Is it worth it?". 

1 comment:

  1. I would only add that sometimes this is a disease and not a choice. People are not responsible for the disease but are responsible for the treatment. It is a family issue that can blow apart the most precious relationships we have in our lives.

    Nice read.
