Monday, November 22, 2010

Big Blessings!

How could I possibly write a blog about anything but being thankful the week of Thanksgiving!  I woke up this morning and started the day with small frustrations.  I was trying to find a quiet spot so I could spend some time reading my Bible and praying.  Needless to say the house was already beginning to stir - perhaps it was because my daughter had 3 friends spend the night and I could hear giggling, or because my son and husband's schedules had changed and they were awake and still home, or because our new puppy loves to follow me around.  However I was able to find a corner and hide where I could escape to that wonderful place - spending time with my Lord. 

So many times we can only see the frustrations and hurts in our lives.  They become our focus and we carry with us a dark cloud everywhere we go.  Unfortunately, the dark cloud can spread to other people we come into contact with.  We all have friends, family, or other individuals who can cause havoc in our worlds.  We all have those valleys we get to go through.  We all have choices we have made that have left us in a bad position.  How do we shift our focus away from the frustrations and hurts?  I believe during these times we should stop and ask ourselves,  "what do I have to be thankful for?".  Someone posted on their Facebook status - "If God didn't give you one more thing, would you be thankful for what you have?"  Honestly, if God chose to stop today and bless me no more, I still am one of the more fortunate.  God has been so good to me.  He has given me love, peace, joy during trials, forgiveness, direction in life and the promise of eternity with Him in Heaven.  This morning as I began to read in my Bible I was reminded of this.  He is a God of blessings.  Psalm 24:5   "He shall receive a blessing from the LORD And righteousness from the God of his salvation."  He loves to give blessings.  So many times I feel Him pouring His blessings down on me.  I am humbled by Who He is and why He would want to provide all He does for me.  I know I am undeserving but He loves me in spite of this, gives me contentment in spite of this, gives me a cheerful heart in spite of this, forgives me in spite of this, guides me in spite of this & promises me eternity in spite of this.  Stop today and think about what you have to be grateful for.  It is that wonderful time of year when we stop and give thanks.   Life can offer you temporary happiness & contentment.  The unfortunate side to that is life can snatch it away with just a word, action or event.  What God gives you is permanent.  Psalm 107:1 "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."   He never stops giving from the moment you make a decision to be His child.  If you find this Thanksgiving you are feeling like you have to struggle to count your blessings - look to the greatest giver of blessings, Jesus Christ. 

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