How do we discern the truth in the situations we face? This should be an easy answer - the truth can be found in the word of God. We all can turn the pages of scripture seeking direction, answers and peace. However, when we don't get the answers we want or in the time frame we desire, then we run around seeking others to listen to our stories and offer insight? We choose close friends, coworkers, and family. This can be dangerous.
My mother always told me I was too philosophical. She said I would dissect and talk about a particular subject for hours. It is true. Once I get something in my mind I will "ponder" it for days. I will analyze the circumstances trying to find the best outcome. This has been my way of seeking the truth throughout the years. I will find anyone who will banter back and forth with me regarding the situation until a solution is found. Who do you seek out when you are looking for your answers? This is very important. The answers you get can determine the direction of your life. They can cause you to cross over the threshold of making a really bad decision. Then you are left suffering the consequences. There are some friends who will offer no direction. They don't want to be responsible for whatever choices are made. Then there are those with the greatest of intentions who are very bold in telling you what you should do - but do those intentions line up with God's word. Then there is the friend - a true friend is one who has our highest interests in mind and isn't afraid to tell us the hard things and the ugly things as well as the good. How do we handle these times? Everything must be put in perspective - God's perspective. The scripture that prompted my writing today is found in Proverbs - the book that gives wisdom. Proverbs 27:6 "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."
I want to take a close look at this scripture. Inflicting wounds means to injure or hurt. Why would a friend do this? A true friend would only make a decision to hurt you, if they felt an overwhelming obligation to tell you the truth. How difficult is it to be brutally honest with someone you love? You know they need to hear the truth, but is it at the risk of losing the friendship? Many a friendship has been severed and families split at the price of truth. Do you have a time in your life when someone was honest with you and you turned away because the truth hurt? God's word says to trust the wounds from a friend. There are a multitude of people who will give you comfortable kisses. Telling you everything you want to hear. I'm not saying people who offer kisses are always going to be enemies, but I do believe the enemy (Satan) can work through them when they put you on a path that will take you further from God's will. The word Satan comes from a Greek word meaning enemy. The Bible teaches us "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 He doesn't always appear as our enemy. Satan masquerades as a bearer of good things. He serenades us with good sounding words; his "kisses are profuse". But he is filled with deceit. His purpose is to lead us into sin.
We can look at this scripture and find many truths. First it can open our eyes to the wounds and kisses we receive from others. Second it can remind us to ask ourselves, "what kind of wounds and kisses are we giving?". Another hidden truth in this scripture is the reminder of who our real enemy is and who is our friend. Jesus is the most trusted friend you have when seeking answers. John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Sometimes life gives us "wounds". Jesus knows when He needs to give us wounds and when we need His kisses. His love for us is unfailing and He is always faithful to us - even when it isn't what we think we need. It is very tempting to cling to the abundant kisses of Satan and the world, but remember those kisses can cause you to stumble and take you down a road of heartache. Pay close attention to the wounds from a friend.
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