How do you approach your day? If there are things in this life which beat you down, you might want to take on a new outlook. I invite you to embrace the concept of adopting God's perspective in your everyday circumstances. Imagine the power this can unleash within you as you face each day! We get so caught up in the routine and worldly concerns of the moment we let every thing destroy our focus, direction & peace of mind. As a child of God, you don't have to allow this! God doesn't want His children walking through this life carrying the burdens of this world without hope.
Our first step toward this is knowing God's perspective so we can embrace it. Adopting God's perspective doesn't just come because you verbally express your desire for it, it doesn't appear because you make a decision in your mind to do it, nor does it come because you pray for it. In order to have God's outlook on the things of this world, we have to study Who He is and His thought process. The only way we can do that is through His "God breathed" word - the Bible. If you don't ever take the time to sit down and open God's word so you can know Him personally - this concept will not work. If you truly want to cease the self-destructing perspective you have to the chaos of this life - it takes a hunger to draw close to God. Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."
In addition to studying the Bible, we must take a very close look at Jesus. God sent Jesus to die for us but He also gives us a beautiful picture of God - studying Him (Jesus) and drawing near to Him will give you a sneak peak of how to know God and His thinking. When Jesus walked this earth, His perspective was the perspective of God. Jesus kept constant communication with the Father, exercised a faithful prayer life, was always compassionate, loved sinners, showed reverent submission, and was always obedient. We are called to be transformed to the likeness of Jesus. Romans 8:29 "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters."
A Godly perspective can also be built up through fellowship with other believers. Making the extra effort to get involved in church, classes and Bible studies where you can dig into God's word and build up your faith will help you stay focused and grow in your walk. Jesus called us to gather in His name. It is beneficial to be built up in the body of believers. Will it always be a wonderful experience to be a part of a group of believers - well no, we are human. If nothing else, you might get some practice with your newly found "Godly perspective". Remember it is all about God - not His children. Heaven help me if people chose to not want to know me based on some of the choices my children have made. Hebrews 10: 24-25 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
And finally, one area which always proves true to transform our perspective in life is when we find areas where we can serve others to glorify God. Every time I have chosen to serve Him, my perspective gets a quick spanking. When I teach young girls about Jesus, God always ends up teaching me more than I could ever prepare in a lesson. When I have gone down into the streets to feed the homeless, I always come home a different person - best therapy yet and it is free! When I travel to Africa and share the gospel with the beautiful young people there, it is myself that is changed. Colossians 3:24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
Life comes at us hard. Build your perspective to be that of God's. Look at what is causing you to worry, cry, be angry or lose your peace of mind - and ask yourself the question, "how would God want me to perceive this?".
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