Monday, August 22, 2011


My favorite definition of hypocrisy states "any disconnect between action and statement regarding a moral issue".  The word hypocrite is actually derived from a Greek word (hypokrinomai), which refers to an actor on stage who wears a mask and plays a part.  The word is used in the Bible as a reference to one who is pretending to be something he is who might appear to be Godly on the outside but isn't on the inside.  It is a common excuse for people to either leave a church or not attend church and blame it on the "hypocrites" that attend.  I personally don't find this excuse acceptable.  To me it is like saying I'm not going to a Braves game because some of those people aren't really fans.  You go to the game because of your love for it.  You should go to church because of your love for your Savior. 

I have to also ask the question, "who is a hypocrite?".  If there is a disconnect between action and what you say regarding what you believe, I think we might all be guilty of this. I know what I believe, but my actions might say something different.  We try to obey what we know in our hearts to be truth, but sometimes we might act contrary to that truth.  I call this sin and all of us are guilty of it.  None of us are perfect.  Well, I'm just going to say it.  "Judy is a hypocrite!"  There you have it.  If you look closely enough at your own life, you might be one too - especially on a bad day.  The wonderful thing about my hypocrisy however is it is forgiven.  When I mess up and don't walk in what I know to be truth, He is faithful to forgive me through my repentance.  The church isn't a place for perfect people.  If so, it would be completely empty.  It is for sinners, broken people and hypocrites.  We all need to be in fellowship trying to build ourselves up in Him.  The fellowship of believers in a church cling to the promise of a Savior.  This promise is the gift of eternal life after death and a life of abundance while on earth.  We don't get that gift by anything moral we do.  Basically our greatest day of walking a completely moral life is as filthy rags to a holy God.  We get that gift because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  He died for us to have this.  Ephesians 2: 8-9  "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast."   

Those that accuse the church of hypocrisy often assume that the whole point of the Church is to make people good, moral. “You're a Christian: you're supposed to be good and holy and all that stuff.”   This is true, but it is a day by day effort to be good and remember the people on the pews are human.  The Christian life actually begins with sin and the recognition of it.  Don't let what some might consider "hypocrites" keep you from enjoying this gift.  Come to church for the right reason.  Come to church to draw near to a beautiful Savior and worship Him for all He did for us.  A Savior, who is the only one who can never step into the role of a hypocrite.  A Savior, who is perfect in every way.  A Savior, who loves you and sacrificed himself just for you.  Come to Him!

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