Monday, June 13, 2011

Suffering At It's Finest

Before I start with the heart of  my message, I want to share something I recently dealt with - which prompted my heart toward this week's blog.  My sweet daughter, who is 16 has had to deal with eczema for years.  Not just a rash here or there - but full blown bouts of it from head to toe.   We have been to several different doctors and for years had no success with anything to relieve it.  We did find a doctor who prescribed a medicine that seemed to be the cure.  Recently, however she had a horrible outbreak.  Her dermatologist was out of the country for two weeks and by the time we were able to see her the eczema was everywhere.  I watched as my daughter cried out from the pain, frustration & itchiness of this horrible skin disease.  I felt helpless as she just cried and laid in her bed broken from having to deal with the physical and emotional side of this disease. I wanted to rescue her and fix the problem. I know it is a stretch, however it was then I began to try and imagine, how our heavenly Father must have felt as He watched His son, Jesus experience horrific pain and suffering on the cross for our sins. 

The ultimate sacrifice of Christ has really been on my heart lately.  I just finished another one of Francine River's books, A Lineage of Grace.  In this wonderful book, she speaks of 5 very unique women who were all a part of the lineage of Christ.  In the final chapter of the book, she speaks of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  When reading the book I was able to see Jesus in a different light.  He was her son.  She watched Him become a man - a Savior.  The few final words of Jesus as He hung on the cross included words to His mother.  Words to make sure she would be taken care of.  John 19: 26-27  "When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. He uttered these painful words to entrust John would take care of His mother.  Mary had to watch her son, Jesus die a torturous, painful death.
My heart hurts for both, God from heaven and Mary from the foot of the cross both watching as Jesus was beat and put to death. Do we recognize the heartache and pain endured on that horrible day?  Can we place ourselves there and feel the shame of this perfect man dying for our sins.  Jesus was scourged - which is one of the worst punishments the Romans had to inflict on a human body.  He was stripped, tied to a post  and whipped.  Whipped from the back of his arms, down his shoulders & back, across his buttocks, down His legs and calves with alternating blows.  Traditional scourging consisted of 39 lashes from Roman soldiers.  From a doctor's point of view, based on the whips used, one swing of this whip would make a total of nine cuts.  Each of those cuts would take about 20 stitches to close.  This was only the beginning of His torture.  After all this, He began His walk to Calvary. He was the perfect sacrifice who paid the price for us.  John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  God loves us so much He put His son and Himself through this agony.  Ask yourself, "could you stand by and watch as someone you love was mocked, beaten so terribly and then nailed to a cross."  All for the sake of us, humanity.  Think of humanity - would you do this for people?  God did - for you and me.  I want us to really grasp this thought and embrace it with complete humility and thanksgiving.  What a sacrifice - all so we could be saved, have a relationship with Him and spend eternity with Him when we die.  Thank you Jesus for the gift of your life for me - Amen

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